Wednesday 30 May 2012

Salman khan workouts and diet

Salman khan workout for at least three hours daily. “I don’t usually get time during the day, so I start working out late in the night and end by the wee hours” said by sallu. sallu’s workouts are very rigorous and that shows in the kind of body display he maintains, and during the course of the day, he cycles and runs at the road. He loves cycling especially in the middle of the night. Sallu runs and cycles about 10 km every day. It gives
him a high and relaxes his body completely.
He does unbelievable stuff like 1,000 push-ups a day or 2,000 sit-ups a day says Manish Advilkar, who is a fitness trainer and has trained Salman for over 6 years.

1000 pushups a day or 2000 situps are simply amazing, are truly tough guy material.

"Salman works out for at least two hours continuously. His workout includes one hour of cardio- concentrating on any two body parts each time- triceps, legs, back and biceps" says D'souza

He has got perfect abs and works a lot to keep them in shape. "He does five hundred crunches, pull-ups and chin-ups" adds D'Souza.

Salman Khan's diet

Eats Clean souces of protein: Chicken, Egg Whites and Fish

Completely avoids sugar and processed food

Salads and pulses are his sources of carbohydrates

All in all, it is an old fashioned style of working out with an emphasis on eating well.


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